Our team is made up of people working overseas as well as individuals located within Indonesia, each with their own roles and responsibilities. We also often collaborate with other organizations or activists working on similar issues and aim to create a network of individuals who are passionate about conservation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support animal welfare through a variety of channels as well as efforts towards conservation, environmental sustainability and supporting the communities in which these animals live.

Our Goals

Our immediate goals are to rescue animals at risk of illnesses and ultimate death currently living or being dumped on the streets of Bali.

Furthermore, we seek to support and provide vaccination and sterilization programs for the community, in order to reduce the risk of disease, dumping, and mistreatment.

We also hope to support wildlife organizations across the Southeast Asian region that work towards protecting domestic and wild animals in conjunction with environmental concerns advocating for and supporting such projects.


We are a registered association in the city of Barcelona, Spain and therefore are subject to the rules and regulations of a non-profit organization within the stipulated laws.


Founder & Director - Lena Moral

A founding member and current president of this association has a bachelors degree in International Relations, Economics and History. She also has significant experience working with local and national NGO's as well as intergovernmental organisations and government agencies.

Executive Director - Dominik Luthe

With prior experience in the hospitality industry and a diverse background, he is in charge of overseeing the NGO's operations . Having being born and grown up in Bali, he acts as a link between Europe and Asia whilst keeping in tune with the local pulse.